Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sustainability Research Paper

For my research paper I wanted to compare the newest "green" cars with larger "inefficient" vehicles. I have been reading a book  for my philosophy class called Justice, What is the Right Thing To Do? by Michael Sandel. In this book the author talks about putting a price on lives. One section is strictly about green cars vs non green cars. I want to research the amount of money corporations spend to make their cars more efficient and how many lives are lost in each type of vehicle. The main topic of sustainability is the sustainability of lives, what type of vehicle will save the maximum amount of people?


  1. This definitely sounds like an interesting topic and I would love to know those facts. You will have no problem writing this paper because I think you'll find all of these things fascinating..sounds like you already do! Great choice.

  2. This seems like a great choice for a topic. I'd love to know exactly how "green" the "green cars" actually are. You seem to be into it so I'm sure you'll find a ton of useful information.
