Friday, September 10, 2010

"It's Tater Tot Hot Dish, don'tcha know!"

Everyone has a special dish served at thanksgiving. One besides a turkey or a pie. A dish that represents their culture and family. It is the unifying dish of the evening. Back home in Minnesota we have a very creative dish. The tater tot hot dish! It is a very salty, meaty, and delicious dish. One great thing about this casserole is that it feeds a ton. It was actually created to be served potluck style after church services. This hot dish is especially perfect for my family because I come from a very large Catholic family. And it is a great fall or winter meal because it'll add some pounds and keep you very warm through all the 30 below winter nights. Its calorie count is high, and it is about 50% fat. According to calorie count in just one serving you will have eaten 517 calories. That is over 1/4 of your daily recommended amount of calories. It's not all bad though, in the Minnesota Recipe there is 57% vitamin A and 11% vitamin C. It is also a great source of protein.

For some reason Minnesotans are weird about sharing their recipes with anyone, but I'd say it is time the whole world knew about our ever so famous tater tot hot dish. I would definitely recommend tater tot hot dish to anyone. Yes this dish seems like an automatic drive to the gym, but when you're hunkering down on a snowy Minnesota night and you want some comfort food, this is the perfect dish for you.


  1. I love tater tot hotdish. We always have it at like christmas and thanksgiving. its very yummy. Green Bean casserole is really good also. You should try that sometime.

  2. I have never heard of this dish. I really want to try it this year for Thanksgiving screw the calories.

  3. Nice presentation, and good work incorporating your outside sources.

    One of my colleagues is obsessed with tater tots. I think they're alright...

    In your writing, look out for word repetition. the word "dish" here stands out. varying language makes for good prose!

  4. lol i love tater tots but never thought of having them at thanksgiving, might have to try it out.

  5. Green bean casserole is AMAZING!! haha I love midwestern food!

    Yeah, I kept rewriting the sentences to try to use dish less but it was so hard! haha

    Thanks for reading everyone! I will keep trying to relate these assignments to me so you can all get a taste of where I come from!
